Thursday, July 21, 2011


No Breakfast 'til Noon Is Never a Good Thing:
2 large squares of the leftover Dessert from yesterday (from my YW)
about 1/2 C. Baked Beans with Hot Dogs
Total calories: <700

2 C. Minestrone Soup
Total calories: 225

Before Dinner Snack:
1 large slice Banana Bread
Total calories: 200

2 slices Pepperoni Pizza from Little Caesars
3/4 slice Cheese Pizza from Little Caesars
Total calories: 760

Daily total: 1885

Wednesday Was...Well...Hmmm

Not Good to Snack Before Breakfast:
1 slice Banana Bread
Total calories: 120

5.2 oz. Yogurt
63 g. Granola
Total calories: 445

Prepping Boys Lunch:
taste of Black Beans and Rice
Total calories: 75?

2 C. leftover Spaghetti
1 t. Parmesan cheese
Total calories: 560

1 Smartie
Total calories: 25

Oh No!:
lots of a Cheesecake-y thing that one of my YW brought over
Total calories: 650?

1 1/2 slices homemade Cheese Pizza
Total calories: 400

2-3 large handfuls of Carmel Popcorn
Total calories: ?????

Daily Total: 2250, before the blasted Popcorn

Tuesday, the Second Day is Always the Hardest

Starting Out Wrong:
2 Pringles
Total calories: 30

221 g. Peaches
1 Raspberry Greek Yogurt
63 g. Granola
Total calories: 503

couple of handfuls of Cracklin Oat Bran
tastes of Black Beans as I prepped them for the boys
Total calories: 200

1/2 Ciabatta Sandwich Bread
Total calories: 80

Totally Gross, I know:
Baked Beans with Hot Dogs
Total calories: 335

Might As Well Give Up Now:
shared a Snickers Bar with the boys
Total calories: 180

more Cracklin Oat Bran handful
Total calories: 80

a slice an a half of Banana Bread with Chocolate Chips
Total calories: 250

Dinner was Delish!:
98 g. Sauteed Broccoli Slaw
218 g. Mashed Russet Potatoes
32 g. Grilled Marinated Lemon Chicken
1/2 C. Lemony Chicken Jus
Total calories: 486!

Couldn't Resist the 11:00 p.m. Temptation:
more Banana Bread
Total calories: 200

Daily total: 2264

Too many snacky-poos today.

Monday, July 18, 2011

Hooray For Today! Tomorrow Is Tart Day...

185 g. White flesh Peaches
1 Lemon flavored Greek Yogurt
64 g. Granola
Total calories: 491

bite of Ciabatta bread
3/4 C. Orange Rice (long grain white rice, butter, carrots)
1 generous C. leftover Pork Chop Suey (pork, cabbage, broccoli, sesame)
Total calories: 425

2 (1 serving) Crunchy Peanut Butter Granola Bars
35 g. Red Pears
Total calories: 211

Extra Indiscretion:
2 Pringles
Total calories: 20

Whole-wheat Penne with Sauteed Spinach, Roasted Butternut Squash and Asiago Sauce
Total calories: 553

1 Smartie Roll
Total calories: 25

Daily total: 1725

Sunday, July 17, 2011


In a Nutshell
4-5 small Pancakes
2 small cups of Milk
1 Ciabatta Roll
2 T. Cream Cheese with Scallions
4 slices of Ham
10 (or so) Pringles
2 Nutter Butter Cookies
1/2 Chocolate Chip Cookie (at church)
7 large stale Marshmallows
more Pringles
5 rolls of Smarties
1 1/2 C. Orange Rice (white rice with carrots, garlic, butter, etc)
about 1 Cup Pork Chop Suey (stir-fried pork, broccoli, cabbage)
Coconut-carmel Popcorn

(Need more veggies and fruits...)

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Saturday's Alright for Fighting

Oi vey.

1 yogurt
209 g. Nectarine
61 g. Granola
Total calories: 489

The Rest of the Day:
14+ "Circus Peanuts" (banana flavored candy)
swig of Rootbeer
handful of Cheddar Pringles
handful of Sour Cream and Onion Pringles
2 Ciabatta Sandwich Rolls
2 T. Cream Cheese
4 slices Ham
5 carrot sticks
8 or 9 Nutter Butter cookies
more Circus Peanuts
3 or 4 stale-ish Chocolate Swirled Marshmallows
another Ciabatta Sandwich Roll
with Butter
a good scoop of "Chinese Coleslaw" with strawberries
several good scoops of Pasta Salad (with a sort of sweet dressing)
2 small Croissant and Chicken Salad Sandwiches
1 Oatmeal raisin cookie
1 mini Cupcake (I scraped off the gross frosting)
2 Brownies

Some days it would probably be good to be bulimic.

Just a thought.