Thursday, July 21, 2011

Tuesday, the Second Day is Always the Hardest

Starting Out Wrong:
2 Pringles
Total calories: 30

221 g. Peaches
1 Raspberry Greek Yogurt
63 g. Granola
Total calories: 503

couple of handfuls of Cracklin Oat Bran
tastes of Black Beans as I prepped them for the boys
Total calories: 200

1/2 Ciabatta Sandwich Bread
Total calories: 80

Totally Gross, I know:
Baked Beans with Hot Dogs
Total calories: 335

Might As Well Give Up Now:
shared a Snickers Bar with the boys
Total calories: 180

more Cracklin Oat Bran handful
Total calories: 80

a slice an a half of Banana Bread with Chocolate Chips
Total calories: 250

Dinner was Delish!:
98 g. Sauteed Broccoli Slaw
218 g. Mashed Russet Potatoes
32 g. Grilled Marinated Lemon Chicken
1/2 C. Lemony Chicken Jus
Total calories: 486!

Couldn't Resist the 11:00 p.m. Temptation:
more Banana Bread
Total calories: 200

Daily total: 2264

Too many snacky-poos today.

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